AXM Moves Mission

AXM Moves exists to help busy people reach their fitness goals by incorporating consistent movement into their lives with progressive programming.

AXM Moves is committed to an anti-diet approach and the pursuit of joyful movement.

AXM Moves offers in-person and online training, optimizing clients time with programming uniquely customized to their availability and goals, allowing clients to focus on enjoying their consistent movement practice.

AXM Moves Values



Pursuit of Joyful Movement

Willingness to admit and own up to flaws/mistakes

Continued Education including pursuit unpacking of bias that prevents inclusive care

  • You can fill out an interest form by clicking here, or schedule an online meeting with August by clicking here

    Contact August at (415) 212-8792 with any questions

  • August is AXM Moves Owner and Head Trainer. August wholeheartedly believes that fitness and movement support should be welcoming and inclusive. August is also adamantly anti-diet, and believes diet-culture belongs nowhere but especially not in fitness spaces. 

    August is proudly queer and trans and uses he/they pronouns. He has lived in California his whole life, growing up outside of the South Entrance to Yosemite.

    Growing up August loved moving their body but became disconnected from that love as a young adult.

    Reconnecting with this love of movement is part of what led August to create AXM Moves! One of August’s goals as a trainer is to help people reconnect with the feelings of joyful movement they experienced as children.

  • AXM Moves exists because during beginning of the pandemic while everyone was on lock down, August started leading his mom through workouts three times a week. He really enjoyed doing research to create a program that helped his mom reduce her back pain from her desk job and scoliosis. Working with her for a few months and seeing the confidence building strength brought to his mom, August realized that personal training could the right career path.

    He went through the program to become a NASM Certified Personal Trainer in 2021 and has been training clients ever since. In 2023 August officially started AXM Moves with the goal of helping more people find ways to reach their movement and fitness goals with programming customized to their lives.

  • Certifications

    Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist (Since October 2023)

    NASM* Certified Personal Trainer (Since May 2021)

    NASM* Corrective Exercise Specialization (Since January 2023)

    NASM*  Behavioral Change Specialization (Since March 2023)

    AFAA* Certified Group Fitness Instructor (2023)

    CPR & AED Certified 

    *NASM - National Academy of Sports Medicine

    *AFAA - Athletics and Fitness Association of America


    Body Fitness Alliance (BFPA)

    Fitness professionals dedicated to stepping away from shame based fitness practices and instead focus on accessibility and inclusive practices. Learn more about the eight pillars of the BFPA

  • AXM Moves exists to meet clients wherever they are in their fitness and movement journey. The goal is to create a program that is uniquely customized to YOU.

    That takes into account how often you’re moving right now, how much time you have in your schedule, what kind of space you can use and what equipment you have access to.

    Consistent movement doesn’t have to look like fighting muscle bros in a commercial gym to get a workout in. It doesn’t have to look like anything you’ve tried before, or have seen in ‘traditional’ fitness spaces. Having an in-home trainer or an customized online program with consistent support helps to take away the intimidation factor of fitness by prioritizing You.

    Truly and honestly, AXM Moves is here to help you find what works and to help you hold your self accountable to progressing towards your movement and fitness goals in ways that feel positive to you and your body.

  • You don’t need any! August will create your program based on the space you have available, and if you don’t have any equipment your program won’t ask for any!

  • In-person training just requires you to find 45-60 minutes in your day that you can have August come to your house and lead you through your workout

    Online training is entirely customized to your availability and what you will realistically be able to do.

    That can vary from short 5-10 minute workouts, one weekly longer workout, a couple of 30 minute workouts throughout the week. During your consultation you and August will decide what makes sense to start with, and you can build from there if that makes sense.

  • Functional Mobility is the ability to actively achieve a range of motion (FLEXIBILITY + STRENGTH/CONTROL).

    Learn More

Interest Form

Interested in working together?

Fill out some info and I’ll will be in touch!